E-Mail Security

90 percent of all attacks on businesses occur via E-Mail

E-Mail security requires much more than integration of virus- and spamfilters

Our topics:

  • Spam filter
  • Anti-Phishing
  • Virus detection
  • Malware recognition
  • File-format identification
  • Encryption
  • Anomaly detection
  • Data-loss prevention
  • Reporting
  • E-Mail tracking
  • Sandboxing
  • URL validation
  • Mitigation of
    denial-of-service (DOS) attacks
  • Policy-based rules
  • SMTP firewall
  • SPF
  • DKIM
  • Blacklists
  • Whitelists
  • Loadbalancing
  • Safeguarding against failure
  • secure DNS resolver
  • RPZ
  • Greylisting (in spite of protection.outlook.com)
  • TLS (Letsencrypt etc.)

E-Mail Encryption

Transport Encryption (TLS)

For all intents and purposes secure transport encryption (>=TLS1.2) should be standard for E-Mails.

In reality however strict rules are often ignored since these could interfere with the accustomed ways of communication.

For this reason we support the evaluation of employed cyphers and the setup of mandatory TLS-rules with certain defined E-Mail servers.

Furthermore with our service SMTP-Watch we offer monitoring of the expiration dates of certificates as well as the general operativeness - both inbound and outbound.

Individual Encryption (SMIME/PGP/ADHOC)

This type of encryption ensures that an E-Mail can only be read by a certain recipient.

Therefore an exchange of public keys (SMIME/PGP) in advance or predefinition of an individual keyword (ADHOC encryption) is necessary.

A special challenge in this context is the evaluation of the content regarding security threats.

Ideally this content analysis is performed on the encryption-gateway.

For our customers we offer the planning, setup and operation of these gateways.

Echoworx Encryption Platform

Secure business communication is complex for companies of all sizes.

Echoworx offers a cloud-based email encryption platform designed to bridge existing gaps and meet the unique needs of today's digital business landscape.

We are working with Echoworx in the DACH region to help customers with setup, migration and administration of their instance. This includes the development of scripts and helper utilities.